Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Canyon Road Pinot Noir 2010$6.95California: This Pinot Noir expresses tantalizing flavors of ripe cherry and wild raspberry, and finishes with brown, vanilla spices and a smooth finish.  On the nose, this sine was very ripe smelling.  It smelled very tartish, I could get a little of what smelled like cherry and I kind of smelled a fig newton type smell - like bready/vanilla with fig.  On the palate it was nothing special and I was not very impressed.  It tasted a little fruity with some spice so it was ok.  However, ever since I read that the more money you pay for Pinot Noir the more fruit you can expect on the palate, I have really wanted to try an expensive Pinot Noir, and I felt this one showed the aspect that the inexpensive ones might not be anything too special.  It definitely was not bad, but not wonderful either.  

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